Divorce & Family Law Mediation
When you are looking for the fastest and least expensive way to get divorced, consider Mediation.

Weber Dispute Resolution: A San Diego Divorce Mediation Leader
When mediating your divorce, a neutral third party sits down with both of you to help resolve the issues in your separation. The mediator doesn’t make any decisions. That part of the divorce process is up to you and your spouse.
The process does not rely on trust. Rather, it relies on principles of a good business decision. The mediator helps divorcing couples communicate with one another until they can come to an agreement.
Most people can resolve even complex disputes if they are given the opportunity, a clear procedure and the help of a mediator. Even disputing parties who are angry and frustrated can successfully negotiate and reach a mutually satisfactory settlement. People can address even the toughest issues such as:
- Divorce
- Legal Separation
- Child Support
- Spousal Support
- Property Division
- Child Custody and Visitation

Pre-Mediation Info Packet
What to Expect From the Divorce Mediation Process
To help you figure out the terms of your separation or family law matter, you and your spouse will meet with one of our divorce mediators. Your attorneys can participate when appropriate. This assures that everyone has the same grasp of the process.
We will glean the basic facts and clarify the issues of the dispute. Our divorce mediator will then facilitate the negotiation with your spouse, considering available options and their respective advantages and risks. Sometimes your mediator may request to meet separately with each of you to discuss your individual interests and views.
When you decide on your issues and have reached a mutually acceptable settlement, we will prepare a written memo that confirms your agreement. Then, attorneys or other professionals can review your agreement for terms and content.
Should you desire, we can prepare a marital settlement agreement (MSA). In addition, we can prepare all the papers needed to finalize your divorce or separation. The terms of your agreement, once processed and filed by the Superior Court, become court orders.
Is mediating your case the right process for you?
Call 858-410-0144 today to schedule a free initial 15-minute telephone consultation with a divorce mediator and explore your choice in more detail.
Benefits of Mediating Your Case
Mediating is a helpful cost-effective means for many couples to manage and resolve difficult family law and divorce issues. People are successful in figuring out even the toughest issues like spousal support, child support, child custody or complex property division.
Probably most important, participants maintain maximum control over decisions that can affect them and their children for many years to come. Mediating offers the following benefits:
- No Pressure. You won’t feel pressured. Rather, disputing parties need not make any decisions until they have had sufficient time to obtain legal advice.
- Safe. You don’t need to give up your rights when mediating.
- Sensible. It’s an informal and sensible way to negotiate.
- Cost-effective and Quick. A mediated agreement usually costs less and takes less time because the parties are doing the negotiating, not the lawyers.
- Less Acrimony. By avoiding litigation and contentious Superior Court hearings, parties can reduce the amount of conflict between them.
- Higher Success Rate. Studies show people are more likely to live up to agreements they negotiate themselves. Orders decided by a judge are followed less.
Learn how working with one of
our family mediators could work for you.
Call 858-410-0144 to explore a fit.
Experienced Divorce Mediators
If you are looking for a first-class divorce mediator, then you’ve come to the right place. Our San Diego divorce mediators, are extensively trained with more than four decades of combined experience. Known as a premier San Diego divorce mediation center in the legal and mental health communities, we know that all divorce cases have conflict and that a case won’t settle until we get to the bottom of the emotional and the legal needs of the case. That’s why Weber Dispute Resolution faces conflict head-on instead of avoiding it like others. Working to get to the heart of the dispute, we help you find pathways to settlement. You will feel our warmth, empathy, and humanity, which sets us apart.

Elisa Kisselberg, CLS-F*
Mediator and Attorney

Scott Weiner, Esq., Ph.D.
Mediator, Psychologist and Attorney
*Certified as a Legal Specialist in Family Law (CLS-F) by the California State Bar Board of Legal Specialization.
Our Lead Divorce Mediator
Shawn Weber is our Lead Divorce Mediator. Shawn has a profound gift to understand what is happening in your personal situation. As a result, he is uniquely skilled at helping people find pathways to settlement. For Shawn, it is more than just a legal process; it’s a human experience.
A fixture in the San Diego conflict resolution arena for nearly two decades, Shawn is also highly qualified. As a co-founder of Family Resolution Institute, he trains other mediators from around the country in the art and skill of alternate dispute resolution (ADR). Shawn is certified as a Specialist in Family Law by the California State Bar Board of Legal Specialization. As a result, he also has the legal know how to help with complex money issues and tough parenting questions.
Live in Different Cities or Can’t Come In? Consider Online Dispute Resolution.
Because of the wonders of technology in the modern era, we have the ability to meet with parties via video conference. Documents can be signed electronically and your issues can be resolved via your laptop or device without even leaving your home.
Using online dispute resolution, we can help you resolve any issue for any county in California. That’s because the parties can be anywhere in the world including out of the country. All that is needed is an internet connection.
To learn more, call 858-410-0144 or click here.
Mediation Services Not Quite Right?
Then consider one of our other Family Law Processes
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Dolphins Instead of Sharks
We get it that legal disputes often invoke fear and worry. Because conflict can be emotionally charged and tough to address, we coach you on how to navigate the constantly changing currents of the law. Applying our Dolphin Lawyering philosophy, we take a holistic approach to mediation and analogize the lawyer to a dolphin instead of the more popular stereotype of a shark.