Neutral Private Settlement Conference
For Legal ProfessionalsLet us help you get your case past stuck.

A founding principle for Weber Dispute Resolution is to help professionals like you and to get parties past impasse.
Chances are, you have cases that need to settle requiring your attention while you prepare for that long cause trial on another case. Perhaps a neutral private settlement conference is exactly what your clients need.
Are you faced with any of these situations?
- Overscheduled and overwhelmed
- Can’t get a qualified settlement judge quickly enough
- Can’t get a reasonable date for your mandatory settlement conference
- Challenging opposing counsel
- Client’s unrealistic expectations
- Focusing on a long cause trial at the expense of bringing other cases to closure
- Cases that won’t settle, but should
If you are, consider hiring Weber Dispute Resolution to help you settle more cases.
Click here to review our Neutral Private Settlement Conference Rate Sheet
Review our Neutral Private Settlement Conference Rate Sheet

Benefits of Hiring Weber Dispute Resolution for Your Next Settlement Conference
Neutral Private Settlement Conferences
Weber Dispute Resolution offers Neutral Private Settlement Conferences to help family lawyers settle more cases. Our lead neutral, Shawn Weber, has a sterling reputation in San Diego as a solid divorce mediator who can break an impasse. Having volunteered successfully as a Pro Tem Settlement Judge for years, Mr. Weber takes a high-level view of a case to pragmatically find that elusive agreement. In addition, his strong empathic and interpersonal gifts allow Mr. Weber to bring humanity to legal situations. As a result, he sheds light on each unique client situation to reveal options for settlement. His methods preserve the long-term interest of the family and empower the client.
Better Experience for Clients than a Mandatory Settlement Conference
In contrast to the Superior Court Mandatory Settlement Conference process where time with the temporary judge is sometimes short, a private settlement conference with Weber Dispute Resolution allows the parties more time. Clients are never rushed. Mediation confidentiality ensures that personal information is kept private. Lawyers will always have opportunity to thoroughly advise their clients before making decisions.
Additionally, a private settlement conference allows parties to short-circuit the typical acrimony and expense accompanying litigation.
What’s more, experience shows that client satisfaction with counsel increases if the parties can reach a mediated agreement. You know how taxing and bitter the courtroom can be. We can help you settle your case quickly so that you don’t need a trial. Even if you don’t settle all issues, a settlement conference can narrow the issues significantly, which can be the difference between a short cause and a long cause trial.
Let us help you settle the cases that CAN settle, so that you can focus your time preparing for the trials that WON’T settle.
Want to settle more cases?
Call Weber Dispute Resolution today
at 858-410-0144
to schedule a
Private Settlement Conference.
Review our Neutral Private Settlement Conference Rate Sheet
More Than Just a Neutral Settlement Judge

A private settlement conference with our lead mediator, Shawn Weber, is more than just a simple neutral case evaluation with a settlement judge. From the moment you arrive at the neutral ground of our office, you will notice that things are different here. From the kindness of our greeting to the peaceful and calming atmosphere in our conference rooms, we provide parties and their advocates with a feeling of refuge from the storm of their legal disputes.
While Shawn is an experienced family law specialist with years of litigation experience, he also brings his massive dispute resolution skills to help settle your case. Advocates appreciate the “thirty-thousand-foot view” Shawn brings to the negotiation. Although his litigation experience enables him to provide neutral case evaluation when there is impasse, Shawn has the rare skill to intuitively find pathways for settlement and to bridge gaps between parties when the emotions run high. Because he always puts the human element first, parties appreciate Shawn’s compassion and empathic gifts that bring a sense of calm, resolve and hope that is hard to find with other neutrals.
Live in Different Cities or Can’t Come In? Consider Online Dispute Resolution.
Because of the wonders of technology in the modern era, we have the ability to meet with parties via video conference. Documents can be signed electronically and your issues can be resolved via your laptop or device without even leaving your home.
Using online dispute resolution, we can help you resolve any issue for any county in California. That’s because the parties can be anywhere in the world including out of the country. All that is needed is an internet connection.
To learn more, call 858-410-0144 or click here.
Settlement Conference Not Quite Right?
Then consider one of our other Family Law Processes
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Dolphins Instead of Sharks
We get it that legal disputes often invoke fear and worry. Because conflict can be emotionally charged and tough to address, we coach you on how to navigate the constantly changing currents of the law. Applying our Dolphin Lawyering philosophy, we take a holistic approach to mediation and analogize the lawyer to a dolphin instead of the more popular stereotype of a shark.