Check out Weber Dispute Resolution in the news for videos, media appearances and newsworthy events.
Our Founder, Shawn Weber, in the Media

Because of Shawn’s rare skill to handle family law cases with patience and compassion, he is respected in the field. Due to his well-known peacemaking gifts, Shawn is busy spreading the word in the San Diego community and beyond.
So check out some of Shawn’s radio spots, TV appearances, and videos to gain helpful tidbits on divorce options and resources.
Shawn Weber Offers Back to School Advice for Divorced Parents on NBC 7 San Diego
Shawn appeared on the NBC 7 San Diego Morning News on Friday, August 24 to offer advice to divorced parents who have conflicts over ‘back to school’ issues with their children.
See the entire interview with mediator Shawn Weber on the NBC 7 San Diego website.

“Back-to-school Doesn’t Have to Mean Back To Court”
Interview on KOGO AM 600 Morning News with anchors Ted Garcia and LaDona Harvey featured a live interview with Shawn on Wednesday, August 16.
“Mediation/Dolphin Lawyering”
Your Wealth Hour with Hosts Ryan White and Karen Kaseno. ESPN 1700 AM. August 18, 2016.
Shawn discusses the differences between “shark” lawyers and “dolphin” lawyers.

“Tips for Successful Holiday Co-parenting”
Mediating the Holiday Co-Parenting Schedule
Shawn Weber and Shawn Skillin are both co-founders of Family Resolution Institute, a leading Mediation Training institute in the country. In this video, recorded in 2018, Shawn and Shawn chat about how mediators can help parties negotiate Holidays in the parenting plans.
How to use advising attorneys in divorce mediation
Shawn Weber and Robin Seigle are both co-founders of Family Resolution Institute, a leading Mediation Training institute in the country. Recorded in 2018, Robin and Shawn discuss how to use consulting attorneys as part of divorce mediation.

“Concerns for People Contemplating a Separation or Divorce / Options for How to Get a Divorce”
The Real Estate Radio Hour with Hosts Ryan White, David McElveen, Guests: Justin Reckers and Shawn Weber. ESPN 1700 AM. April 4, 2013.
“Collaborative Divorce / Divorce Mediation / Nesting”
The Real Estate Radio Hour with Hosts Ryan White, David McElveen, Guests: Brian Davis and Shawn Weber. ESPN 1700 AM. February 12, 2013.
“Divorce Options / Divorce and Insurance“
The Real Estate Radio Hour with Hosts Ryan White, David McElveen, Guests: Shawn Weber and Drew Hardin. ESPN 1700 AM. October 2, 2014.
“Cuts To San Diego County Courts Are Affecting Families”
KPBS TV Interview on Evening Edition, Guest Shawn Weber. December 3, 2012.
KPBS Radio Midday Edition, Guest Shawn Weber, December 3, 2012
“Tips to Have a Miserable Divorce”
Real Divorce Talk San Diego – November 2017
Shawn Weber Guest-hosts Real Divorce Talk San Diego
With Co-host Bryan Devore and guests Certified Divorce Financial Analyst Carlie Headapohl, divorce mortgage expert Eric Billock, nationally recognized author of The Good Divorce Dr. Constance Ahrons, and “Lemonade Divorce” attorney and mediator Allison Patton.
“Shawn Weber Talks about Negotiation Strategies, Mediation and Collaborative Practice.”
Your Wealth Hour, January 17, 2019 with Ryan White and Karen Kaseno
Schedule Consultation
Dolphins Instead of Sharks
We get it that legal disputes often invoke fear and worry. Because conflict can be emotionally charged and tough to address, we coach you on how to navigate the constantly changing currents of the law. Applying our Dolphin Lawyering philosophy, we take a holistic approach to mediation and analogize the lawyer to a dolphin instead of the more popular stereotype of a shark.