Pre-Mediation Information Packet
We know that you may have lots of questions before your mediation starts. We have some for you too!
Here are links to important forms and helpful information sheets to download and review before your first mediation session.
Pre-Mediation Information Packet
Mediation Fee Agreement. During your first session, you will need to review and sign your mediation agreement. We’ve loaded our standard fee agreement here for you to review before you come. You’ll sign when you get here after we have had a chance to discuss it and answer your questions.
*Note: This document is shared as part of the pre-mediation information packet for information only and may or may not reflect current fees, costs, and/or rates.
Conflict of Interest Waiver. Although we are neutral and provide no legal advice, we do help you prepare legal forms and agreements. Because you and the other party will have diverging interests, we will ask you to sign this Conflict of Interest Waiver during your first mediation session.
Working with Advising Attorneys Information Sheet. As your mediators, we have rules about how we can give you information while preserving our neutrality. While we give information and help facilitate agreement, we can’t give legal advice. A mediator giving legal advice creates a conflict of interest that our ethical rules don’t allow. That’s why it is a good idea to have an independent attorney serve as your consultation counsel who can provide you with legal advice and can review your agreements before you sign. With consulting counsel, your decisions are informed and your legal interests are protected. Download and review our “Working with Advising Attorneys Information Sheet” to get some tips about how to engage counsel to help ensure maximum success in your mediation process.
Topics on Divorce Mediation Information Sheet. Here is an informative list of topics we commonly see addressed during mediation for a divorce or legal separation.
Divorce Mediation Process Information Sheet. Many of our clients have questions about what is involved in the entire divorce mediation process. Here are ten basic steps that will take you from the beginning of our process to the end.
Mediation Disclosure Notification and Acknowledgment. California law now requires that participants in mediation sign this notification relating to confidentiality.
Click Here for Driving and Parking Directions. To make your trip here as simple as we can make it, download our driving and parking directions.
Divorce Mediation FAQs. We know you probably have a lot of questions about what will happen during your mediation process. Download this helpful set of Frequently Asked Questions and Answers and get a better idea of what to expect.
Required Financial Disclosure Forms

As part of your pre-mediation information packet, we are providing the court-required financial disclosure forms you need to get started. Before the Court will grant your divorce or legal separation, you must disclose everything about your finances to your spouse. While these forms can be a pain, they are important. The law requires you to sign under penalty of perjury you have disclosed EVERYTHING. So, do take it seriously. There are penalties for people who are incomplete or untruthful. When in doubt disclose! You’re always advised to seek advice from your consulting attorney.
Income and Expense Declaration.
As part of your divorce process, the law requires you to prepare an Income and Expense Declaration on California Judicial Counsel form FL-150. Here is a link to a fillable PDF. We recommend downloading the Income and Expense Declaration to you computer before you fill it out. If you need instructions for filling out your Income and Expense Declaration, click here. Be sure to attach your last two or three paystubs and your most recent tax return.
Schedule of Assets and Debts.
Also as part of your divorce process, the law requires that you prepare a Schedule of Assets and Debts on California Judicial Council form FL-142. Here is a link to a fillable PDF. We recommend downloading the Schedule of Assets and Debts (FL-142) to your computer before filling it out. List all of the assets and debts, whether they are community or separate. If you contend that an item is a separate asset or debt, indicate next to the item on the form in the column marked “SEP. PROP” with a “P” for Petitioner’s Separate Property or an “R” for Respondent’s Separate Property. Be sure to list EVERYTHING. If in doubt, put it on the form.
For the categories of “Jewelry, Antiques, Art, Coin Collections, etc.” and “Household Furniture, Furnishings and Appliances,” which usually only fetch a garage sale value, many people simply type “The parties shall divide to their mutual satisfaction.” However, if you have a big-ticket item in one of these categories, go ahead and list it.
Attach backup documents such as deeds or statements for each item listed on your Schedule of Assets and Debts. If you claim a separate property interest in an item, it’s helpful to provide the proof here and to clearly describe the interest you are claiming. If you’re not sure if you have a separate claim, consult with your advising attorney.
Stuck? Get help!
We know the financial disclosure forms can be daunting. Don’t waste time twisting in the wind, let us help. If you have any questions, call us at 858-410-0144.