Shawn Weber, Attorney at Law In California, the question that should be asked is not when the divorce is legally finalized, but when you were separated. California law defines your date of separation as that day on which it was clear to both...
I found this joke on the internet here: I am not sure who authored the joke because it’s all over Google. But, I thought I would share it to possibly give you a much needed laugh for Thanksgiving....
By Shawn Weber, Attorney at Law No. In California divorce law, it is important to distinguish “community property” from “separate property”. §761 of the California Family Code provides that “except as otherwise provided by statute, all...
Last Thursday, November 8, 2012, I was very pleased to appear on the local radio show, Real Estate Radio, on San Diego AM 1700 ESPN Radio. The topic was “Love and Real Estate.” I enjoyed the opportunity to have a conversation about how California Family...
So it’s official. The American Psychological Association has made it clear that Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) will not be included in the forthcoming DSM-V as a psychological disorder. Frankly, I am relieved. Read about it here:...
I came across this article from Time Magazine by BELINDA LUSCOMBE about a family judge in Canada that basically flipped out on a couple because their behavior during the divorce was so bad. The Judge apparently wrote his opinion having taken a very dim view of both...
I have to admit, as a divorce professional, I need a good laugh now and then. This video was terrific. I love this woman’s method that she discovered to control her anger. It’s too...
So many of my divorce clients describe the anti-climactic feelings they experience when they receive their divorce decree in the mail. I have heard several different divorce practitioners and mental health professional recommend a ceremony of sorts to mark the event....
This article on Huffington Post about Beth Shak’s $1 million shoe collection is quite illustrative. A person who spends that kind of money on shoes should not at all be surprised that it comes up in the divorce. The reality is that it is an asset with value....
Very few people have had as much affect on Family Law jurisprudence in California as Judith Wallerstein. She will definitely leave very large shoes to fill. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost