by Shawn Weber | Apr 4, 2011 | divorce, domestic violence, Humor, Marriage, Property
I have seen some creative ways of dividing community property. This couple in Cambodia, however, takes the notion of splitting the community property real estate to a whole new extreme. Perhaps San Diego judges could order a house sawing for some of my Rancho Santa...
by Shawn Weber | Apr 3, 2011 | Children, custody, divorce, Marriage, mental health, parenting
Reuters Health reported on March 30 that parents of twins may be “slightly more likely to get divorced than parents without twins, according to a new study.” As a parent of twins myself, I can see how that could be. My wife and I have five children, the...
by Shawn Weber | Apr 3, 2011 | Children, custody, divorce, Marriage, mental health, parenting
Below is a link to an interesting article from the Chicago Tribune with some excellent tips on how to preserve relationships between parents and children after a divorce. All too often, the parent-child relationship is badly damaged during the divorce process–...
by Shawn Weber | Apr 2, 2011 | divorce, Humor
Ok, we have all seen the wedding dance. It went viral on youtube a year or so ago. Well, have you ever seen their divorce? [youtube]...
by Shawn Weber | Mar 30, 2011 | divorce, Finances, Marriage
Here is an interesting article from the Orlando Sentinel. Apparently with the improving economy, people are feeling freer to get divorced. That seems counter-intuitive to me. One would think that a bad economy would encourage divorce, but many of my colleagues have...
by Shawn Weber | Mar 23, 2011 | Gay marriage, Mediation
It seems that the gay marriage litigation will continue. The ninth circuit court of appeals refused to allow same-sex marriages to take place in California while it considers the constitutionality of the current state ban. I imagine that the 9th Circuit, no matter...
by Shawn Weber | Mar 21, 2011 | Children, custody, divorce, mental health, parenting
Here is a funny video about divorce from “The Whitest Kids You Know.” Perhaps we should all take a moment and consider the effects divorce can have on children… [youtube]...
by Shawn Weber | Mar 21, 2011 | Children, custody, divorce, parenting
Good article with tough questions about move-away cases. I note that in California, it has gotten a lot harder for a primary parent to move than it was a few years ago. I am involved in a case right now where the primary question is the detriment issue. I feel bad...
by Shawn Weber | Mar 18, 2011 | Conflict Resolution, divorce, Marriage, Mediation
I came across this funny video on YouTube. It strangely reminded me of a divorce mediation I conducted. [youtube] The caption read, “N’Gos tlhogh cha! A simple procedure… This would save...
by Shawn Weber | Mar 18, 2011 | divorce, Finances, mental health
I have been following an excellent series by my friends and colleagues, Justin Reckers, CFP, CDFA, AIF and Robert Simon, Ph.D. I recommend this series highly to clients and divorce professionals. It really does a good job of showing how one’s biasis and emotions...