by Shawn Weber | Mar 29, 2013 | Children, custody, divorce, Finances, Relationships, Taxation
Rules regarding who can claim a child on his/her taxes can be found in IRS Publication 596. In general, you can only qualify to claim a child for a tax credit or dependency exemption if the child has lived with you for over half of the year. For those parents that...
by Shawn Weber | Mar 20, 2013 | Children, Collaborative Divorce
What Divorcing Parents Must Do When Spring Break and Teenagers Mix – Collaborative Family Law Group of San Diego Blog
by Shawn Weber | Feb 13, 2013 | Collaborative Divorce, Conflict Resolution, custody, divorce, Finances, Marriage, parenting, Property, Relationships
I was happy to make another appearance on the Real Estate Radio Hour on San Diego AM 1700 ESPN Radio. This time I was able to talk to hosts Ryan White and David McElveen about Collaborative Divorce, Mediation, deferred sale of the family residence and...
by Shawn Weber | Jan 23, 2013 | Attorneys, Children, Courts, custody, divorce, Finances, Marriage, parenting, Relationships
By Shawn Weber, CLS-F* It is possible to get what is called a “deferred sale of home order”. California Family Code section 3800(b) provides for this option as follows: ‘Deferred sale of home order’ means an order that temporarily delays the...
by Shawn Weber | Dec 4, 2012 | Attorneys, Children, custody, divorce, Marriage, mental health, parenting, Relationships
I came across an excellent video about children going through a divorce or custody battle. It is “[a] candid, poignant, and often humorous film about kids and divorce… from the kids’ perspective.” This is an excellent film and should be...