by Shawn Weber | Feb 27, 2020 | Conflict Resolution, Courts, Mediation
I regularly serve as a pro tem settlement judge on the Mandatory Settlement Conference (MSC) Panel with the San Diego County Superior Court. While I enjoy helping folks through their MSCs, the help is simply too little too late for many people. Often, the preparation...
by Shawn Weber | Jan 21, 2020 | divorce, For Professionals, Relationships
Most divorce professionals have “seen this movie before” in their own practices. As a divorce professional for the last 20 years, I’ve been involved in more than one ugly divorce as I am sure you can imagine. The stories are similar and seem to go...
by Shawn Weber | Aug 9, 2019 | Attorneys, Conflict Resolution, For Professionals, Mediation
So you have the big mediation date planned. You hope the mediator will be able to work whatever magic she has so you can move the case to settlement and put the case to bed. You’ve prepared yourself. You know the law. You have your arguments ready. You’ve done...
by Shawn Weber | Aug 8, 2019 | Children, parenting
Can you believe it’s already time for 60 million American kids to go back to school? Didn’t we just start summer? Mixed feelings are natural at this time of year for everyone. Kids are sad about summer being over so quickly. But they are likely to be...
by Shawn Weber | Jan 14, 2019 | divorce, Finances, Recession
If another recession is looming in 2019, it could greatly affect decision making during a divorce. It has been nearly a decade since the Great Recession. Since then, the U.S. economy has rebounded and then some. Unemployment is at record low levels, and people were...