If you’re interested in using mediation to divorce but your spouse is not willing, there are some things you can do to convince your spouse to mediate. Here are seven tips to help you convince your spouse to do mediation:

1. Discuss the benefits of mediation.

Before you attempt to convince your spouse to mediate, it’s important to be clear on the benefits of mediation. Emphasize how mediation can save both of you time, money, and emotional stress compared to going to court. Explain how the process allows both parties to have more control over the outcome and can lead to a more amicable resolution. A good approach is to communicate your desire to honor what was good about your relationship as you transition out of the marriage. Hiring a mediator is a good way to part with mutual respect rather than with anger and hurt.

2. Address your spouse’s concerns.

If your spouse doesn’t want to participate in mediation, convincing them to mediate requires you to address their concerns. First, listen to their reasons for resistance and acknowledge their feelings. Then, explain how mediation can help them address these concerns and work through any issues that arise during the process.

3. Choose a divorce mediator who aligns with your spouse’s goals.

Because a divorce mediator must be neutral, it’s important to find one who aligns with your spouse’s goals and yours. It’s hard to convince your ex to mediate if she doesn’t feel good about the mediator. Ask potential mediators about their approach and style and then choose one who will work well with your spouse.

4. Involve your spouse in the mediator selection process.

It’s important to involve your spouse in the choice of a mediator. If your spouse feels like they have some control over the process, they may be more willing to participate. Show them a list of potential mediators and ask for input about who would work best for them. At this point, you may not need to covince your spouse to mediate because they will have convinced themselves!

5. Hire a divorce coach to help with how to convince your spouse to mediate.

If your spouse still resists to the idea of mediation, consider hiring a divorce coach to help you enroll them. A coach can help you strategize how to present mediation to your spouse in a way that resonates with them, address any concerns they may have, and help you communicate more effectively with them. By enlisting the help of a coach, you may, as a result, be able to overcome obstacles preventing your spouse from participating in mediation.

6. Find success stories.

Research and share stories of successful mediations with your spouse. Perhaps you have mutual friends who were successful with their own divorce mediation. This can help alleviate fears or doubts they may have about the process and show them that mediation can be a positive experience.

7. Seek therapy or counseling.

If your spouse is still resistant to mediation, it may be helpful to seek therapy or counseling together. A therapist can help you both work through emotional blocks keeping your spouse from participating in mediation. Additionally, a therapist can help you both communicate better, which can ultimately lead to a more successful mediation process. As such, therapists can be terrific allies when convincing your ex to mediate.

Conclusion: Convincing your spouse to mediate may not always be an easy process, but it’s worth the effort.

Convincing your spouse to mediate may not always be an easy process. However, it’s worth the effort if you want to avoid a long and ugly court battle. By using these seven tips, you can help your spouse understand the benefits of mediation, address their concerns, involve them in the selection process, and even hire a divorce coach or seek therapy to enroll them in the process. Remember, mediation can save you time, money, and emotional stress, and it can lead to a more amicable resolution that both parties can feel good about. With the right approach and resources, you can successfully convince your spouse to participate in mediation. This will help you move forward with your divorce in a positive and helpful way.

Further reading: