In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, the practice of mediation has undergone a significant transformation.

The necessity to maintain physical distance prompted mediators to adapt and explore alternative means of facilitating dispute resolution. Video conferencing platforms, with Zoom at the forefront, emerged as a crucial tool for mediators worldwide. What started as a temporary solution has now become an integral part of their practice. In this blog post, we will delve into the knowledge and insights gained by mediators as they navigated the world of Zoom mediation, providing a glimpse into how virtual spaces have become the new norm for the mediation profession.

Overcoming Geographical Barriers

One of the most evident advantages of Zoom mediation is the ability to transcend geographical boundaries. Suddenly geography became less relevant.  Mediators quickly realized that they could connect with parties and legal representatives located in different cities, states, or even countries, without the need for costly travel arrangements. Mediators with local markets could suddenly go statewide, national or even international immediately. This newfound accessibility expands the mediator’s reach and enhances convenience for all participants. This, in turn, makes mediation a more viable and efficient option.

Flexibility and Convenience

Zoom mediation has brought newfound flexibility and convenience to the mediation process. Parties and their representatives can engage in the mediation from the comfort of their own offices or homes, eliminating the need for extensive travel and potential disruptions to their schedules. This flexibility also allows for greater scheduling options, accommodating parties in different time zones or those with busy calendars, ultimately expediting the resolution of disputes.

Cost Savings

By eliminating travel and accommodation expenses associated with traditional face-to-face mediations, Zoom has proven to be a cost-effective alternative. Mediators have witnessed significant reductions in overhead costs, such as renting physical spaces for mediation conferences. Many mediators completely gave up their physical brick-and-mortar locations in favor of going completely virtual. This financial advantage translates into more affordable mediation services. As a result, doors open for parties who may have otherwise been deterred by the potential financial burden.

Enhanced Preparation and Documentation

Zoom mediation has facilitated improved preparation and documentation processes for mediators. With the availability of screen sharing and document sharing features, parties can easily present and exchange relevant documents in real-time. Mediators can also leverage digital tools to annotate, highlight, and organize documents, ensuring a more streamlined and efficient mediation process.

Maintaining Neutrality and Confidentiality

Mediators hold neutrality and confidentiality as essential pillars of the mediation process. Initially, concerns were raised about the ability to preserve these principles in a virtual setting. However, mediators have adapted by implementing various measures to address these concerns. Using breakout rooms for private discussions, implementing robust security features, and emphasizing confidentiality agreements have become standard practice, ensuring that the virtual space remains as secure and trustworthy as the physical environment.

Technological Proficiency and Backup Plans

The adoption of Zoom mediation required mediators to enhance their technological proficiency. Mediators quickly learned the importance of familiarizing themselves with the features and functionalities of the platform for smooth meeting facilitation. Additionally, they recognized the need for backup plans, such as alternative communication channels or switching to audio-only mode in case of connectivity issues. These preparations have become integral to providing uninterrupted and effective mediation.

Adaptation of Mediation Techniques

The transition to Zoom mediation prompted mediators to adapt and modify their mediation techniques. Effective virtual mediation requires employing active listening skills, establishing clear communication protocols, and managing the dynamics of online interactions. Mediators have also embraced the use of visual aids, virtual whiteboards, and chat features to enhance communication and engagement.

Benefits of Physical Distance in High Conflict Cases

One surprising yet significant discovery for many mediators is the positive impact on physical distance and remoteness in high conflict cases. Zoom mediations create a space for clients without the heightened emotional triggers that can arise in the same physical space. The virtual environment allows participants to feel comfortable and in control, reducing the potential for confrontations and encouraging more productive dialogue.

Non-Verbal Cues through Webcams

Mediators have had to find innovative ways to capture and interpret non-verbal cues that are crucial in understanding participants’ emotions and reactions. Although limited by the virtual medium, mediators have discovered techniques to read body language through webcams. They pay attention to facial expressions, hand movements, vocal expression and changes in posture to gauge participants’ responses. Additionally, they encourage participants to use non-verbal cues, such as nodding or using hand gestures, to enhance communication and understanding.


The widespread adoption and implementation of Zoom mediation during the Covid-19 pandemic has revolutionized the field of mediation. Mediators have embraced the benefits of virtual platforms, including overcoming geographical barriers, increasing convenience and flexibility, and reducing costs. They have honed their technological proficiency, adapted mediation techniques, and found ways to navigate challenges such as preserving neutrality and capturing non-verbal cues. As the pandemic recedes, Zoom and other video conferencing platforms are likely to remain a valuable tool in the mediator’s toolkit, offering an efficient and effective means of resolving disputes in a rapidly changing world.

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