by Shawn Weber | Mar 10, 2011 | Children, custody, divorce
By Shawn Weber, Esq. 注文住宅でオンリーワンのマイホーム! I frequently tell my clients that custody battles are best approached by telling a story. The judge is a human being who is affected by a story. Whichever party tells the best story at court typically does better. The problem...
by Shawn Weber | Mar 8, 2011 | Children, custody, parenting
Good article about virtual visitation. I have a move away case going to court now. One of the issues is whether virtual visits via webcam is sufficient to allow for bonding between child and parent. I wonder what others think about that. I say no. Read the Article at...
by Shawn Weber | Feb 25, 2011 | Conflict Resolution, divorce
In my experience, the process of HOW one gets divorced has a huge impact on the ugliness. The early selection of a divorce process is crucial. If possible, avoid litigation and choose a form of alternate dispute resolution like collaborative divorce or mediation....
by Shawn Weber | Feb 24, 2011 | Children, custody, divorce, Marriage, parenting
Interesting article about non-custodial women. As a family law attorney, I am meeting more and more women who choose this arrangment for various reasons. It is still true that many women feel stigmatized. I find this phenominum similar to the visceral reaction that...
by Shawn Weber | Feb 23, 2011 | Alimony, divorce, Spousal Support, Taxation
My friend and Certified Divorce Financial Analyst, Justin Reckers, recently did a great post on alimony and taxation. It’s worth a read. Pacific Divorce Management : Alimony Taxation – Part 7.