by Shawn Weber | Nov 12, 2021 | Attorneys, For Professionals, Mediation
I often see a lot of confusion from folks about how attorneys can participate in mediation. There seems to be a false understanding that attorneys aren’t allowed into the hallowed halls of alternative dispute resolution. However, nothing can be further from...
by Shawn Weber | Nov 12, 2021 | Conflict Resolution, High Conflict, Mediation, Relationships
So, you are in the middle of your divorce negotiation. You prepared for this meeting and expected your partner would come to the table ready to negotiate in good faith. You may even be in a good mood looking forward to finally getting your divorce behind you. But...
by Shawn Weber | Sep 9, 2021 | Conflict Resolution, Mediation
At times during your family law or divorce case, you will have the opportunity to make and receive proposals. Whether large or small, proposals are the backbone of negotiation. A proposal is defined as a plan or suggestion, especially a formal or written one, put...
by Shawn Weber | Feb 6, 2021 | divorce, Finances, Mediation
Mediation can help you sort out even the most complex financial questions. Complicated financial issues can make a divorce seem difficult, but mediation can help. One common myth about divorce mediation deserves a debunking: You can’t mediate when there are...
by Shawn Weber | Jun 10, 2020 | Attorneys, Children, custody, divorce, Email, evidence, High Conflict, Relationships
By Shawn Weber, CLS-F* In short, yes. While there are strict rules regarding the use of unlawful recordings of telephone conversations, there is no prohibition against recording a voice mail message. Ostensibly, the person who left the message knew that the message...