by Shawn Weber | Mar 10, 2011 | Children, custody, divorce
By Shawn Weber, Esq. 注文住宅でオンリーワンのマイホーム! I frequently tell my clients that custody battles are best approached by telling a story. The judge is a human being who is affected by a story. Whichever party tells the best story at court typically does better. The problem...
by Shawn Weber | Feb 24, 2011 | Children, custody, divorce, Marriage, parenting
Interesting article about non-custodial women. As a family law attorney, I am meeting more and more women who choose this arrangment for various reasons. It is still true that many women feel stigmatized. I find this phenominum similar to the visceral reaction that...
by Shawn Weber | Feb 23, 2011 | Alimony, divorce, Spousal Support, Taxation
My friend and Certified Divorce Financial Analyst, Justin Reckers, recently did a great post on alimony and taxation. It’s worth a read. Pacific Divorce Management : Alimony Taxation – Part 7.
by Shawn Weber | Feb 22, 2011 | Children, custody, parenting
You hear it mentioned over and over again, “The Court makes a custody order in keeping with the child’s best interests.” However, seldom do you hear anyone define what “best interest of the child” really means. The factors that the...
by Shawn Weber | Jan 17, 2011 | divorce, Finances, Marriage, Property
“Should” is simply the wrong question to ask when considering whether you have a community property business. The right question has more to do with what “is” under the law. California is a community property state. This means that anything...